Thursday, February 21, 2013

We need some spiritual giants...

Who is your spiritual mentor?  Do you have someone in your life who guides you on your spiritual journey?  Do you have a spiritual parent?

I went to Rev. C.E. Stairs and Uta Chase’ funerals.  Two spiritual giants in the Wesleyan church.  And as sermons, tributes and eulogies were given, it was repeatedly said about what an impact they had on the next generation of Christians and Pastors- how they had been part of seeing people come to Christ, grow in that relationship, and even their call into ministry.

I wondered as I sat in both services- “who will be the spiritual giants in the next generation?”  We are in such a busy, fast paced, individualistic society that I fear people aren’t putting in the time in their own spiritual life, let alone the next generation. 
If you are in the “senior generation” and you are reading this- can you name 1 or 2 people that you are intentionally pouring your life into?  If you are in the “younger generation” and you are reading this- can you name 1 or 2 people that you are intentionally seeking to learn from and submit yourself to? 
As I get older I desire to have those spiritual giants in my life.  But I also know that I need to be that for someone else.
Start praying to God would bring this person into your life- I guarantee you will be richer and deeper spiritually because of it!

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